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How To Grow Potatoes In A Hessian Bag

This is how to grow potatoes in a hessian bag in my backyard. I was going to grow them in a self-watering bucket but decided to do something different.

I bought some seed potatoes that had already started to sprout,so I put some quality potting mix in the bag. Spaced them around the bag and covered with about 5 cm of potting mix.

When the potatoes emerged and grew another 10 cm, I added some more potting mix. This continued until the bag was full.

sprouting seed potatoes

The image on the right shows more clearly the potato growing. 

sprouted seed potatoes

Watering and Feeding The Potatoes

I wasn’t sure what he watering regime might be as I imagined that the hessian would allow excessive evaporation. The open weave and our hot summers made me aware that more frequent watering would be required.

I would check them every evening and water as I felt necessary. I did surround the bag with other plants in containers to help reduce moisture loss.

The potting mix used was the same as for the 5 gallon self-watering buckets. It was the premium potting mix with slow release fertiliser added. When the growth was powering ahead I applied a foliar spray fertiliser known as Seasol.

This is our top selling liquid seaweed fertiliser. It is highly concentrated so half a litre makes up 225 litres of solution.

Harvesting The Potatoes

Harvesting Potatoes

Cutting open the bag revealed what I had hoped for, some potatoes!! The plants were quite well grown given that they were confined to a small area. This obviously led to a smaller yield.

I may have been too eager to harvest them and as a result reduced the size and maybe the yield.

potato harvest

The more I scratched around the more potatoes I found. At this stage I was quite happy with my experiment. I will grow them in a self-watering bucket next time.

There was no apparent disease so that was a good thing and they did taste good.


This was the end result, one that I was quite pleased with how to grow potatoes in a hessian bag. Growing your own food can be challenging but always one of great satisfaction.

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