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Herbs In Pots Or Ground

Growing herbs in pots or ground is simple and enjoyable. It requires no special training, just a desire to grow plants.

The featured image above clearly shows how well basil or any herb grows in a nutrient rich potting mix. that rich green say it all.

Planting herbs in pots is extremely popular as they can be moved to any location. Herbs can be grown indoors and moved to a balcony to get some extra sunshine and back inside to brighten up your kitchen. 

Having them inside on the kitchen window sill not only looks good but very practical when adding some flavour to your cooking.

Herbs have been grown for centuries and have multiple uses as medicinal and culinary. We love to use tarragon in some of the chicken dishes.


Growing herbs in the garden

This rosemary growing in my garden and it got out of control and grew into a huge bush. It was taking up too much space so I replanted a small piece in a pot.

This beautiful aromatic plant  has many uses. This evergreen herb is native to the Mediterranean region and is used as a culinary condiment,and to make bodily perfumes, and has potential health benefits.  

Rosemary in a bucket

Rosemary growing in a 5 gallon self-watering bucket

Lemon Grass

Lemon Grass

Planting lemongrass in pots or DIY 5 gallon self-watering buckets is simple to do. They are very easy to look after.

As with all my plants in containers I use a premium potting mix and apply regular fertiliser using a seaweed liquid fertiliser.

Lemongrass needs to be cut  back to the top of the bucket to encouraged fresh new leaves to grow.

There were no noticable diseases or pests that caused damage to this plant. The strong lemon aroma is beautiful and lends itself to many culinary uses.

Lemon grass is stictly not a herb ,but I have included it here as it has many similar uses as the herbs.

Parsley, Dill and Basil

parsley dill and basil

I was running out of self-watering containers for this lot an decided to plant basil, dill and parsley together in a large 60 litre or just over 13 gallons and it turned out just fine.

We use these three quite regularly and it is handy to the kitchen. In fact it is below the kitchen window.

They are planted in a premium potting mix and fertilised fortnightly once established and growing well. The potting mix has a slow release fertiliser that will last about 2 months.

Watering is simple, just put the hose into the ribbed pipe and fill until it comes out the overflow hole which is directly below the filler pipe towards the bottom.

Planting herbs in pots or ground will give you a good supply of beautiful greens to garnish a salad or meal. There is nothing as satisfying as picking fresh herbs from your garden. They are the best tasting too.


Mint growing in a bucket

Mint is a very popular herb to grow in your garden. It is best contained in a container of some kind as it can spread quite quickly in good conditions.

I have grown them in pots and now in self-watering buckets. We are still under severe water restrictions so this method provides great water savings.

This mint was planted in a premium potting mix and fertilised with seaweed liquid fertiliser every couple of weeks.

I have not had any problems with pests or diseases find them very easy to grow. 

Mint has many uses and has been used for many thousands of years for medicinal and culinary purposes. Its highly aromatic foliage will repel some garden pests such as ants, white cabbage moth and other pests.

Peppermint tea is well known for easing an upset stomach and calming your nerves. Chopped mint leaves can be added to fruit compote.

Mint sauce is a great accompaniment for a roast lamb dish, this really works for me. Mint has a powerful flavour and should be used sparingly.




Tarragon is another herb that I have recently started to grow. this came about while reading a recipe book about cooking chicken.

This herb is growing in one of my DIY self-watering 5 gallon bucket. It was planted in a premium potting mix and fertilised with a liquid seaweed fertilizer.

I have stuck with this method of growing plants as it has proven successful. I am a strong believer in growing plants in a well nourished mix. A strong growing plant will resist many pests and diseases.

This may be a little more expensive in the beginning but you will reap the rewards at the end.

It is a leafy green perennial herb widely used in french cooking. Its distinctive flavor is particularly well suited to use with fish and chicken.

It is a prime ingredient in Bernaise sauce. it is easy to grow so try it for use in the kitchen

Garlic And Onion Chives

Chives in pots

Garlic and onion chives are a great addition to the kitchen herb garden. They are easy to grow and do very well in my 5 gallon self-watering buckets.

As with all the plants grown in containers, there is no substitute for quality potting mix and a good seaweed liquid fertiliser.

Chives can be grown in any size pot, indoors or outside. We have a range of around 9 or 10 herb in pots or ground growing all the time.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kabita

    Where do you collect the seeds for all plants?!

  2. admin

    Hello, I usually get plants from the gardeners’ markets, or buy seeds from Diggers Club.

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