To say simply “We Love Container Gardening” would be a serious understatement. This passion for Container Gardening has been on my mind for many years, but only adopted in the last 3 years.

This was due to continuing drought conditions. Water is a precious resource and must be used sparingly. Using self-watering buckets has allowed me to pursue my passion for producing great tasting chemical free food.

I am looking forward to sharing with you a lot of information about how I went about setting up a self-watering bucket vegetable garden.

We at Container Gardens are dedicated to bringing you interesting and informative news on all aspects of producing quality plants of all kinds. We want to show best practise methods of growing beautiful plants.

Please feel free to “Contact Us” and we will gladly answer your questions.

Most of all Enjoy, Share, Like, Link, Tweet and everything else you can do to our content here on the site.

Strawberry Planter
Strawberry Planter