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Save Water With Cool Garden Container

Brilliant idea on growing plants with less water.

We need to save water because our climate around the world seems to be warming and many places are experiencing drought or drier seasons. It has become essential to reduce the amount of water needed to grow our food. This method uses a fraction of the water of regular gardening.

These containers are designed to store water at the bottom as a reservoir. The gravel bottom gives the support for the upper soil mix and stores the water in its air spaces. The plants draw the water they need from the reserve at the bottom. Water is added through a stand pipe.

There are other methods of providing that storage at the bottom including inverted milk crates. The shade cloth on top of the gravel prevents the soil from entering the water storage area.

You can use any container that you have available, and you can buy some slotted drainage pipe coiled around for the reservoirs. Use your imagination with the materials and follow the basic concept. Now you will still be able to grow and enjoy your plants and save water.

Check out the video and enjoy.

Grow vegetables with less water
Grow vegetables with less water

source: HydroponicsIsCool

Water is an essential element of gardening, as it having great quality soil is not enough. But if you live in a very dry area or simply want to save some water when gardening, wicking bed containers are the answer for your troubles. A wicking bed implies a water reservoir at the bottom of the garden bed so plants can pull water from there. You can create a wicking bed container at home and spare some water this way…………

Here is the link to read the full article at Goods Home design.