You are currently viewing Hollowed Out Stump Flower Planter
Tree stump

Hollowed Out Stump Flower Planter

Convert that old tree stump into a beautiful planter.

The tree stump flower planter are not that difficult to make. Some may require a little more work than others depending on their age and type of wood. Stumps tend to naturally decompose from the inside as this is the softest part of the log.

There are many gardens that have tree stumps and pay a lot of money to get them removed. Now you have a new use for that old stump. Find a way to hollow it out and fill it with some good soil mix. You now have a ready made planter.

This type of planter has become very fashionable, so you will be the envy of the town. Next you have to decide what plants to grow. Plant some of your favorite flowers and enjoy the beauty of the natural planter.


Click here to see all 12+ images of tree stump planters

Image source Boredpanda.

Homeowners and gardeners often spend lots of money removing tree stumps, but there is a better way! With a bit of diligent wood-working, homeowners around the world have turned tree stumps and logs found in their own yards into beautiful tree stump planters full of blooming flowers!

Do you have a repurposed tree stump planter of your very own in your backyard? If so, please share it with us!

Use this link to see all the beautiful images from the tree stump garden