You are currently viewing 44 Amazing Indoor Planters Revealed
Pots of herbs on a contemporary kitchen window sill

44 Amazing Indoor Planters Revealed

These brilliant indoor planter ideas will get your imagination running wild.

These are inexpensive indoor planters that are made up of just about anything. This is all about beautifying your home with lots of living plants that can be a thing of beauty like flowers or food that is healthy and chemical free and is close to the kitchen.

Tea cups, recycled wine bottles and recycled plastic bottles can be used to grow herbs and some vegetables. These clever ideas just show that there are many different containers that are easily available and practically no cost. You can be inventive and even collect some of these from your neighbors and in return offer some of your produce.

There are also some folks that are into DIY and can easily find pieces of lumber and make some neat wooden planters with herbs that you can hang from the wall close to the kitchen.

There is an excellent indoor vegetable garden set up on a trolley that can be pushed to where ever it is needed and moved around to get adequate sunlight or set up with its own growing lights. The possibilities are endless so just use your imagination and come up with some awesome ideas of your own. If you would like to share them, just add them to the comments.

Look through all the images and find which ones suit you the best.

Wall garden in tin can pots
Wall garden in tin can pots. Source;
orchid in glass cup
White orchid in glass cup. Source;

We have compiled a number of photos giving you ideas on how to make your indoor plants look better. Not to forget the effectiveness of saving space in your home and money from your pockets. You can see here some good use of things that you can find inside your home  like used plastic bottles, tea-cup, jars, woods, wires, ropes, chains and more.  From something really cute to something really amazing. Even though they are placed inside your home, most plants still need sunlight in order for them to grow healthy and look beautiful the way they should be. We hope you like our compilation. Share this to your friends if you find this article helpful. Source; Butterbin.

You should visit Butterbin to see all the other amazing indoor planters ideas, they are truly remarkable.